Short Term and Long Term Histopathological and Biochemical Effects of Acetaminophen Toxicity on Mice Kidney

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Hafsa Muhammad, Shaheera Batool, Muhammad Faisal Javaid., Aisha Farukh, Aasma Hashmi, Shireen Eyman


Background: Acetaminophen is certainly a drug of choice globally and in all age groups for fever, and aches. With a narrow therapeutic window any individual taking the drug is a vulnerable to its toxic effects. This study was designed to determine the short term and long term renal effects of one single toxic dose.

Methods:27 male albino mice were procured and housed in appropriate environment in the animal house. Animals were randomly divided into three equal groups. Group A mice served as a control and was dissected on day ten. Group B and C mice were injected acetaminophen (600mg/kg) intraperitoneally and were sacrificed after 48 hours and on tenth day respectively. Both the kidneys were collected afterwards for microscopic examination and blood samples were drawn for biochemical analysis.

Results: Renal tubular features (brush border loss, necrosis, luminal cast and vacuolations) were significantly affected among the experimental groups B & C as compared to the control group (p-value ≤ 0.05). Renal glomerular features (Basement membrane & necrosis) were unaffected in all the groups. Among the renal interstitial features, mesangeal hyper cellularity and vascular congestion were significant among the experimental groups (p-value ≤ 0.05) while interstitial inflammation was non-significantly higher in the experimental groups (p-value = 0.071). These pathological features were milder in group C animals.

Conclusions: Acetaminophen overdose causes acute tubular necrosis and abrupt impairment in serum urea and creatinine levels. The intensity of both of these parameters reduces with time suggestive of spontaneous self-recovery.

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How to Cite
Hafsa Muhammad, Shaheera Batool, Muhammad Faisal Javaid., Aisha Farukh, Aasma Hashmi, Shireen Eyman. (2022). Short Term and Long Term Histopathological and Biochemical Effects of Acetaminophen Toxicity on Mice Kidney. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 26(01), 1636–1645. Retrieved from