Histopathological Characteristic of Soft Tissue Tumors in Lower Sindh in Pakistan

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Aneela Faisal Memon, Zainab Nisar, Faiz Muhammad Khoso, Suresh Kumar, Kiran Aamir, Faheem Ahmed Memon


Background:Through the use of soft tissue component analysis, soft tissue tumors can be distinguished between benign and malignantwith varying degrees of accuracy based on signal intensity and morphologic features.

Aim.Soft tissue tumors are a group of lesions that arise from the body's mesenchymal tissues and have overlapping clinical and radiological characteristics. To make a proper diagnosis, a histopathological investigation is required. The study's major goal is to look at the trend and pattern of soft tissue lesions in different age groups and genders.

Methods:This is a prospective study that included all specimens suspected of having a soft tissue lesion clinically. Processed and inspected under the microscope are the formalin-fixed specimens. There were soft tissue tumors were found in 482 instances in which 435 (90.3%) were benign and 47 (9.7%) were malignant. The most prevalent kind of soft tissue tumor is benign in this age range 21-30 (117 cases, 26.9%), while in this age range 31-40 (9 cases, 19.11%), malignant soft tissue tumors were the most common.

Results:Findings showed females 240 (94.1%) were more likely than males to have head and neck 200 (46 percent) had the most benign soft tissue tumors, with males predominating in often tissue tumors in the lower extremities that are malignant21 (44.7%). Lipoma was the most prevalent benign soft tissue tumor, capillary hemangioma, pyogenic granuloma and fibroma, these accounted for 140 (32.2%), 105 (24.1%), 65 (14.9%) and 56 (12.9%) respectively. Fibrosarcoma, MFH, ASPS and Pleomorphic Liposarcoma were common malignant tumors accounted for 17 (36.2%), 15 (31.9%), 3 (6.4%) and 3 (6.4%) respectively. Conclusion: It has been determined that exceptional stain can guide the diagnosis, but Other auxiliary procedures, such as IHC, can help to fine-tune the type-specific diagnosis.

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How to Cite
Aneela Faisal Memon, Zainab Nisar, Faiz Muhammad Khoso, Suresh Kumar, Kiran Aamir, Faheem Ahmed Memon. (2022). Histopathological Characteristic of Soft Tissue Tumors in Lower Sindh in Pakistan. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 26(01), 648–661. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/10854