Cross-Sectional Study of Benign and Malignant Soft Tissue: Role of Tissue Component Analysis in Pakistan

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Aneela Faisal Memon, Zainab Nisar, Aqsa Noureen, Fida Hussain, Kiran Memon, Kiran Aamir


Background:Through the use of soft tissue component analysis, it is possible to identify benign from malignant soft tissue tumors with varying degrees of accuracy based on signal intensity and morphologic features.

Aim. The purpose of this research was to determine the difference between soft tissue cancers, both benign and malignantand also measure the role of elements of soft tissue analysis.

Methods:There were soft tissue tumors were found in 482 instancesin which 435 (90.3%) were benign and 47 (9.7%) were malignant. The most prevalent type of soft tissue tumor is benign in this age range 21-30 (117 cases, 26.9%), while in this age range 31-40 (9 cases, 19.11%), malignant soft tissue tumors were the most common.

Results:Findings showed females 240 (94.1%) were more likely than males to have head and neck 200 (46 percent) had the most benignsoft tissue tumors, with males predominating in malignant soft tissue tumors that typically arise in the lower extremities 21 (44.7%). Lipoma was the most prevalent benign soft tissue tumor, capillary hemangioma, pyogenic granuloma and fibroma, these accounted for 140 (32.2%), 105 (24.1%), 65 (14.9%) and 56 (12.9%) respectively. Fibrosarcoma, MFH, ASPS and Pleomorphic Liposarcoma were common malignant tumors accounted for 17 (36.2%), 15 (31.9%), 3 (6.4%) and 3 (6.4%) respectively.

Conclusion:It has been determined that exceptional stain can guide the diagnosis, but Other auxiliary procedures, such as IHC, can help to fine-tune the type-specific diagnosis.

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How to Cite
Aneela Faisal Memon, Zainab Nisar, Aqsa Noureen, Fida Hussain, Kiran Memon, Kiran Aamir. (2022). Cross-Sectional Study of Benign and Malignant Soft Tissue: Role of Tissue Component Analysis in Pakistan. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 26(01), 375–386. Retrieved from