Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile of E. coli Isolated from urine pus of Leady reading hospital Peshawar Pakistan

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Suleman Khan, Sarwat Moon, Nelli Rasheed, Neelma Hassan, Madiha Farooq, Taimoor Akhtar, Asad ullah, Muhammad Ubaid, Fariha Farooqi, Farzana anwar, Fazal hadi, Bilal Ahmad, Mehran Khan


The bacterial resistance to antibiotics is one of the main problem worldwide. This study investigated the antibiotics sensitivity and resistance pattern of isolated bacteria from UTIs patients, thus big challenge for antibiotics era. Total 30 urine pus samples isolates during 1 month’s period to study and check antibiotic pattern of various organisms. Organisms were identified as per standard operative procedure and drug sensitivity was done.  Commonly founded organism was E.coli but some mixed growth also found such as S.aureus and pseudomonas. It was showing sensitivity towards vancomycin, clindamycin and cefoxitin whereas gram negative organisms were showing sensitivity towards penicillin, gentamycin and eztromycine. The study observes that the prevalence of urine pus is high among females (70%) then males (30%).  Most of the females of the age between 18-49 years constituted 60.37% of the total patient with urine pus. It has been reported that the adult woman have a higher prevalence number of pus infection then male. Principally due to the reason sexually or menstrual cycle or physical factors in females. Among male increase prevalence of pus infection was recorded in young age in 20-35 year group. 

The study demonstrate that E.coli remain and causing agent organism which cause uropathogen being responsible for 60% of puss infection both male and female. This is inconsistence with finding of other studies in which E.coli was the most frequently reported isolated from patient with pus culture. Following over study show S.aureus spp 27%, and pseudomonas 27% , and E.coli  is 40% are  the other common uropathogens. Antimicrobial resistance pattern of several antibiotics against E.coli as below ciprofloxacin is 55%, gentamycin 30%, ampicillin 45%, penicillin 25%, tetracycline 24%, erythromycin 15%. Its showed that ciprofloxacin and ampicillin is the best choice toward E.coli spp.  Antimicrobial therapy allow to stop  microbes growth and mutate into new forms that help them to survive antibiotic treatment and common pathogens such as E.coli other microbes and their resistance pattern  can best idea for  clinician to choose appropriate antibiotic for experimental treatment of patients.

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Suleman Khan, Sarwat Moon, Nelli Rasheed, Neelma Hassan, Madiha Farooq, Taimoor Akhtar, Asad ullah, Muhammad Ubaid, Fariha Farooqi, Farzana anwar, Fazal hadi, Bilal Ahmad, Mehran Khan. (2021). Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile of E. coli Isolated from urine pus of Leady reading hospital Peshawar Pakistan. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(7), 1770–1777. Retrieved from