Prevalence of Hepatitis B &C Virus with Respect to Different Age Groups in General Population of Bajaur Agency

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Ibrar Ahmad, Dawood Warris, Muhammad Hamza Jabbar, Mohsin Shahab, Ihtesham-Ul-Haq, Fareen Bano Iftakhar, Amir Hussain, Usama Fareed, Ajmal Ali Haidery, Bakht Jamal Shah, Noman Rehmat


Hepatitis B and C viruses are the pathogens whose cause hepatitis around the globe. In addition, world health organization estimate about 170 million people which is 3% of the world population are infected with HCV and are at risk of developing liver cirrhosis and or liver cancer, whereas Hepatitis B virus were prevalent as 257 million people had been trapped by this virus in 2015. Comparatively, HBV are more prevalent than HCV pathogen worldwide. Some factors like gender and age also play a role in the acquiring of hepatitis B & C infection.The objective of the presence study to highlight issues of hepatitis B and C viral infection prevalence in Bajaur agency with respect to different age groups in order to personalize based highlighted this issue so that the people can get aware.The initial tests were performed for the screening of viruses while using chromatographic immunoassay method to determine hepatitis B virus (HBs-Ag) antigen and antibodies for hepatitis C virus in the serum of the patient. In this study, total of 80 (8.0%) samples were found positive for HBV and HCV. Among these 44(4.4%) and 36 (3.6%) were positive for HBV and HCV respectively out of 1000 sample. Out of 1000 sample 646(64.4%) were male and 354(35.4%) were females. The rate of HBV patients having different age groups which were: 0-20, 21-40, 41-60 and >60 year of age were found as 15(34.1%), 16(36.4%), 10(22.7%) and 03(6.8%) whereas, in HCV patients studied population in the likes of age groups, 0-20, 21-40, 41-60 and >60 the percentages were 12(33.3%), 17(47.1%), 04(11.1%) and 03(8.3%), respectively. Both the HBV and HCV infected groups were found significant for the age groups range from 21-40 and up-to 20 years (34.4% vs 33.3% ; P = 0.02 and P = 0.002, respectively). Among male, patients of HBs and HCV were 29(34.9%) and 22(61.1%) while, in female patients of HBs and HCV were 15(65.1%) and 14(38.9%),respectively. Gender Factor influencing HCV and has more males than females, because male are more expose to HCV transmitting incidences like using shaving blades and other sharp things during work places. Age group 21-40 individuals had been greatly influenced by both the HCV and HBV infection in equal contribution, the main reason of these differences of HBV with other age groups could be the sexual transmission of HBV whereas, the HCV may be the using of shaving blades and these age group of people are there every time to do work to meet their daily expenses and thus more prone and chance to get this virus.

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Ibrar Ahmad, Dawood Warris, Muhammad Hamza Jabbar, Mohsin Shahab, Ihtesham-Ul-Haq, Fareen Bano Iftakhar, Amir Hussain, Usama Fareed, Ajmal Ali Haidery, Bakht Jamal Shah, Noman Rehmat. (2021). Prevalence of Hepatitis B &C Virus with Respect to Different Age Groups in General Population of Bajaur Agency. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(7), 948 –. Retrieved from