MERN Stack Web Development

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Monika Mehra, Manish Kumar, Anjali Maurya, Charu Sharma, Shanu


Web application development is not the same as before, even if it is a few years back. Today, there are so many options, and strangers are often confused about what is best for them. There are many options not only for a wide stack (various tiers or technology used), but also tools that help improve. This paper states that the MERN stack is excellent for building a complete web system. This paper looks at four components of the MERN stack (Mongo Db, Expresses, ReactJs & NodeJs) and how well they work together, their beauty as a complete stack in web design. This paper focuses exclusively on the functions of these four MERN stack technologies and how they are applied to current popularity.

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How to Cite
Monika Mehra, Manish Kumar, Anjali Maurya, Charu Sharma, Shanu. (2021). MERN Stack Web Development. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 11756–11761. Retrieved from