Studies on Seasonal Variation of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water Samples Collected From Puliyanthangal and Maniyambattu Lakes of Ranipet District, Tamilnadu

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C.Mahalakshmi , K.Sivachandrabose


The present study was aimed to see the seasonal variation of Physico-chemical parameters of water samples collected from Puliyanthangal and Maniyambattu lakes located in the Ranipet district influenced by tannery effluent discharge. For the present study, water samples were collected from both the lakes' mouth and middle regions for one year from 2015-2016. Standard methodology was analyzed to determine various physicochemical parameters like as temperature, pH, turbidity, EC, TDS, total hardness, Ca, Mg, Fe, NH3, NO3, NO2, Cl, F, and SO4 for seasonality (APHA, 2000). The result showed that the contents of turbidity, EC, total hardness, and NH3 in Puliyanthangaland Maniyambattu lakes were higher in the mouth and middle region of water samples during pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons except for TH in the monsoon (S4) season. In both the lakes, values of most of the physicochemical parameters like pH, TDS, Ca, Mg, Cl, Fe, SO4 NO3, NO2 and Fwere found within the permissible limit following the World Health Organization (WHO). However, higher values of specific Physico-chemical parameters indicate that the lake water has become slowly polluted, and it may be due to the influence of tannery effluents in the lake by direct and indirect means. It is suggested that the lake in the Ranipet district should be maintained without much dilution of untreated tannery effluent discharge to sustain and safeguard the lake ecosystem for the survival of living things in the biotope

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How to Cite
C.Mahalakshmi , K.Sivachandrabose. (2021). Studies on Seasonal Variation of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water Samples Collected From Puliyanthangal and Maniyambattu Lakes of Ranipet District, Tamilnadu. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 11085–11105. Retrieved from