Evaluation of Agronomic Parameters of Two Varieties of Rice (Oriza Sativa) with Different Planting Methods

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Martnez Alcvar Fernando Roberto,Martillo Garca Juan Javier, Centanaro Quiroz Paulo, Navarrete Cornejo Alexandra Aracely


The phenological determination of two varieties of rice (Oriza sativa) was proposed, with two sowing methods, water levels, agronomic behavior and the application of biological agents to control grain bruising. The design was factorial with 8 treatments and three replications, Tukey's test at 5% with three factors A, seed FL 11 and FL 12, B, broadcast sowing and transplanting, and C, water levels in 5 cm and 10 cm layers. The methods were deductive, inductive and qualitative, the problem of investment versus production is low, the genetic potential in different phases of development such as vegetative: from germination to the initiation of panicle in 54 days. The reproductive phase: from panicle formation to flowering with 30 days, and the flowering phase to maturation and harvest with 32 days, reaching an average of 112 days for the two varieties. The water layers used were 10 cm with 1000 m3/ha, and 5 cm with 500 m3/ha. Another aspect was to cultivate resistant varieties such as SENACA FL 11 and SENACA FL 12, the former being the one with the best yield. In the variables of the treatment (A2xB2xC2) with an average of 11.40 cm. In plant height, the A1xB2xC2 treatment averaged 32.17 cm, followed by the A2xB2xC2 treatment with an average of 31.07 cm. To know the ear formation, it was necessary to evaluate the plant height where the treatments were not significant.

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How to Cite
Martnez Alcvar Fernando Roberto,Martillo Garca Juan Javier, Centanaro Quiroz Paulo, Navarrete Cornejo Alexandra Aracely. (2021). Evaluation of Agronomic Parameters of Two Varieties of Rice (Oriza Sativa) with Different Planting Methods. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 9686–9694. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/7304