Review on Skin Disease Detectionusing Machine Learning

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K.Melbin, Dr.Y.Jacob Vetha Raj


Nowadays skin disease have become common as many are affected by skin cancer. The skin related infections are caused because of numerousissues that manipulate humans likelifestyle, age and sex. Also a smaller amount or exposure to sunlight, bacteria, hot weather causes these types of skin diseases. Therefore detection of skin disease is more important and it is not easy to detect easier comparing to other diseases. So the main intent is to review previous methods and to find a new methof for skin disease classification.Hence many approaches such as ANN, CNN, SVM, KNN, Data mining and Image processing based algorithm have been used for detection of skin diseases. In this survey we have analyzed skin related disease classification using machine learning and image processing models. The detailed analyze of number of skin disaese are evaluated in this review with various techniques and their performances.

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How to Cite
Dr.Y.Jacob Vetha Raj , K. . (2021). Review on Skin Disease Detectionusing Machine Learning. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 8059–8070. Retrieved from