Improving the Productivity of Zaghinia Apricot Trees by Foliar Application of Sitofex and L-Arginine

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Raad Ahmed Medan, EhsanFadhel Saleh AlDouri


This study was carried out on six years old apricot trees Zaghiniacultivar, in the Agricultural Research and Experiments Station of the Faculty of Agriculture- University of Kirkuk during the 2020 growing season. This is to demonstrate the impact of spraying threeconcentrations of Sitofex growth regulator (0, 7.5 and 15 mg L-1) and three concentrations of the amino acid Arginine (0, 250 and 500 mg L-1) in some of the yield characteristics and its physical and chemical components. The results pointed out that spraying with Sitofex and Arginine and the interaction between them had a significant effect on most of the studied characteristics, as the concentration 15 mg. L-1 of Sitofexexceeded in the characteristics: fruit set, fruit weight, fruit firmness, fruit size, TSS, and TSS / TA ratio), and the hectare yield with a percentage of (16.23%,26.74 g, 2.14 kg cm2 -1, 35.51 cm2, 13.34%, 12.23, 5.26 t ha-1) While, no coefficients were shown Sitofex had no significant effect on the characteristic of carotene and total acidity. As for arginine, the treatment at a concentration of 500 mg. L-1 outperformed the rest of the treatments in the characteristic of carotene ratio, TSS, TSS / acidity ratio, the yield of hectare, and the combination showed 15 mg. -1 of Sitofex and 500 mg.L-1 arginine had a significant effect in most of the studied characteristics.

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How to Cite
EhsanFadhel Saleh AlDouri, R. A. M. . (2021). Improving the Productivity of Zaghinia Apricot Trees by Foliar Application of Sitofex and L-Arginine. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 7066–7075. Retrieved from