Oxidant and Antioxidant Status in the Poor Environmental Conditions to Biological Active Substances in Cows

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Vladimir Kotsarev,Ivanshaposhnikov,Yuryvatnikov, Evgenykulikov, Sergey Seleznev, Pavelrudenko, Natalliazhabo, Marinaavdonina, Olesyapetrukhina, Elena Krotova, Ivanprozorovsky


The constant influence of inadequate chemical, biological and other factors on the animal organism causes a stress reduction in resistance and an immunosuppressive state in animals. In the body, it is characterized by a deficit in the energy supply of the function of the genetic apparatus and enzymes, a toxic blockade of the specific activity of enzymes, the prevalence of catabolic processes and the stay of the body in a state between norm and pathology.

The aim of the research was to study the effectiveness of the use of α- and γ-interferons alone and in combination with dimethyldipyrazolyl selenide for the correction of the oxidative-antioxidant status in cows under environmental conditions.

Materials and methods. The studies were carried out on three groups of cows taken into the experiment 3 weeks before calving, of which one group (n = 12) served as a control without the use of drugs, the animals of the other two groups were prescribed pharmacologic agents: one of them (n = 12) - only α - and γ-bovine recombinant interferons and other (n = 14) - α- and γ-interferons in combination with dimethyldipyrazolyl selenide. Blood samples were taken from 5 cows from each group before the administration of drugs and 4 days after the last injection to determine the content of malondialdehyde, indicators of endogenous intoxication and antioxidant protection.

Results and Discussions. Cows with the administration of α- and γ-interferons alone and in combination with dimethyldipyrazolyl selenide, compared with animals in the control group, contained less malondialdehyde, respectively, by 12.7% and 21.8%, MSM at a wavelength of 238 nm - by 4 , 1% and 6.3%, MSM at a wavelength of 254 nm - by 12.5% (p <0.05) and 15.6% (p <0.05), SMP - by 13.5% and 8 ,one%. 21.6% (p <0.05). Of the indicators of the antioxidant defense system, they had higher values of glutathione peroxidase (GPO) activity by 4.8% and 14.0%, catalase - by 5.2% and 9.9%, vitamin A - by 8.8% and 10.4%, vitamin E - by 12.5% and 9.5%, vitamin C - by 14.6% and 17.0%. Generic pathology was recorded less often 3.0 and 3.5 times, postpartum - 2.0 and 4.7 times. The period from calving to insemination was shorter by 11.9 and 23.0 days, fertility was higher by 8.3% and 9.6%, the insemination index was lower by 15.4% and 26.9%.

Conclusion. Thus, the use of recombinant bovine α- and γ-interferons in cows in the last month of pregnancy alone and in combination with dimethyldipyrazolyl selenide under conditions of environmental disadvantage contributed to a decrease in the accumulation of a toxic product of lipid peroxidation in the body of animals - malondialdehyde, a decrease in the manifestation of endogenous intoxication, stabilization of the antioxidant system. protection, which had a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system.

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Vladimir Kotsarev,Ivanshaposhnikov,Yuryvatnikov, Evgenykulikov, Sergey Seleznev, Pavelrudenko, Natalliazhabo, Marinaavdonina, Olesyapetrukhina, Elena Krotova, Ivanprozorovsky. (2021). Oxidant and Antioxidant Status in the Poor Environmental Conditions to Biological Active Substances in Cows. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 6228–6246. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6675