A Reflection of the Organization's Strategic Orientation on Human Resource Management Strategies: Field Research in the Central Region General Electric Power Transmission Company

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SafaaFalihAbdulkadhim, Dr. AbdulnaserAlagHafedh


The study's goal is to figure out how strategic orientation is reflected. (vision, mission, values, objectives) for organizations on human resource management strategies (selection strategy, training, and development, motivation strategy, performance assessment strategy. The research relied on the resolution. As a tool for collecting the data necessary to complete the search.And the use of field research, the questionnaires were distributed to an intended sampleIncluded (general manager, assistant general manager, branch manager, president department, assistant president department, division administrator, In the general electric power transmission company central region) research hypotheses were tested through the statistical program (SPSS.V23) was adopted in accessing and analyzing the data of the study. and the research reached the most important results, namely the acceptance of the main and Sub-research hypotheses. The research concluded with a series of recommendations, the most important of which was to increase the Electricity in general and the central electricity transmission company, especially the strategic direction, to influence the functional strategies and the need for the ministry of electricity in general and the senior management in particular of the general company for transmission of electricity centre to manage human resources as a strategic partner And give the human resources manager a chance to be a member of the board of directors of the company to draw the strategic orientation.

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How to Cite
Dr. AbdulnaserAlagHafedh, S. . (2021). A Reflection of the Organization’s Strategic Orientation on Human Resource Management Strategies: Field Research in the Central Region General Electric Power Transmission Company. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 5782–5793. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6593