Exemptions from Liability in Indonesian Criminal Law Reform

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Magnis Florencia Butar-Butar, Suteki


The need for reform of criminal law that illustrates the values ​​that exist in Indonesia. By comparing criminal law as a method to obtain the right formula in formulating future criminal law policies. This research aims to analyze the reasons for the exemptions from liability in the Korean, Norwegian, and Greenland Criminal Code and to analyze the contribution of reasons for exemptions from liability in 3 (three) countries in reforming criminal law in Indonesia. This type of research is normative juridical with a comparative law approach. The results showed that the reasons for eliminating crimes in Criminal Code Korea, Norway, and Greenland provide different definitions and elements. The formulation of grounds for the annulment of crimes in the Korean Criminal Code and Greenland can be considered to formulate the future draft Criminal Code. Addition of penalties for completed / perfect crimes. The amount of the penalty reduction is not determined by law, so it is only a code of verification and "the implementation is not completed solely because of one's own will".


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How to Cite
Magnis Florencia Butar-Butar, Suteki. (2021). Exemptions from Liability in Indonesian Criminal Law Reform. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5528–5533. Retrieved from https://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/6520