The Effect of Endurance Training on Some Functional and Physical Variables and the Digital Level of Middle Distance Running

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Ibrahim Rahma Muhammad, Saif Ali Muhammad, Wissam Shaker Razig


After running from the simplest exercise, because of its ease of performance and the possibility of practicing it anywhere, at any time and in various climatic conditions, and at the same time it is considered one of the most ideal and vital means of developing physical fitness and maintaining health (4:13).There is no way to protect an individual from developing cardiovascular disease, except through jogging (jogging), as running is the cheapest medicine to protect against infection with these diseases.Essam Abdel Khaleq (11: 9), Muhammad Hosni Allawi (72:13) and Mufti Ibrahim (105: 15) agree that endurance is the ability of an individual to work for long periods without decreasing the level of efficiency or effectiveness and delaying the onset of fatigue. Running can be practiced before. Different ages and accords with different physical levels it is also considered one of the exercises that can be controlled and its effect on the functional and physical variables that accompany its performance or its practice. It is considered one of the studies that should receive wide attention in our present time, as Saad Kamal Taha (174: 6) mentions that the variables The functionality that occurs in the body is the basis on which the training load is based, which is the means for training, and this is consistent with what Lamb (73:20) and Lemur (123: 21) have indicated that regular training leads to changes in vital organs that lead to more The rates of functional activity in a way that enables these devices to adapt to the physical loads and this is consistent with the severity of them.We believe that endurance is an important element among the basic physical elements such as strength, speed, flexibility and agility that running races require, due to its great association with those other physical elements.

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How to Cite
Wissam Shaker Razig, I. R. M. S. A. M. . (2021). The Effect of Endurance Training on Some Functional and Physical Variables and the Digital Level of Middle Distance Running. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 3395–3407. Retrieved from