Association of Chronic Helicobacter pylori infection with Iron Deficiency Anemia

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Qusay Abdulazahraa Yaqoob, Haider Ali Mahdi, Hassan Ali Farman, Mohammed Abdulzahra Sasaa


The study sample consisted of 120 participants divided equally into two groups; 60 patients with H.pylori infectin with iron defeciency anemia and 60 healthy individuals. Their age ranged between 30–70 years, 27 of them were males and 33 were females. H. pylori patients were recruited the Al Sadder Teaching Hospital and the Gastrointestinal Diseases center in Al-Najaf AL-Ashraf city, through the duration of December 2019 till February 2020. All patients diagnosed with H.pylori by clinical symptoms and confirmed by H. pylori stool antigen was detected by strips. Verbal consent is taken from each patient before sample. Ten ml of blood are withdrawn by vein puncture from H.pylori patients and healthy control. A tourniquet was applied directly on the skin around the arm, the skin over the vein was sterilized with 70٪ ethyl alcohol, then blood was collected divided into three part; one (2ml) transfer to EDTA tube for estimation of CBC, part two (2ml) was put in ESR tube with anticoagulant and part three (4 ml) put gel tube to be allowed to clot at room temperature for 15-20 minutes, and then it was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 5000xg , to get the serum, the serum was collected for estimation of iron, ferritin, AST and ALT. The result shows that there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in Hb level between cases (m= 10.91) and controls (m= 14.26), P value 0.000, which means that Hb level was significantly lower among cases compared to controls. In addition, there were statistically non-significant differences at 0.05 in RBC between cases (m= 4.36) and controls (m= 4.55), P value >0.05, which means that RBC were lower among cases compared to controls. In addition, there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in WBCs between cases (m= 9.76) and controls (m=8.68), P value <0.05, which means that WBCs were significantly higher among cases compared to controls. The results also shows that there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in PCV level between cases (m= 32.33) and controls (m= 43.01), P value 0.000, which means that PCV level was significantly lower among cases compared to controls. Furthermore, there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in MCV level between cases (m= 63.18) and controls (m=83.56), P value 0.000, which means that MCV level was significantly lower among cases compared to controls. On the other hand, there were statistically insignificant differences between the two groups in levels of MCHC (P=>0.05). In addition, there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in MCH and PLT between cases and controls P value 0.000. The result also shows that there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in serum iron, ferritin, AST and ALT level between cases and controls, P value 0.001. In addition, there were statistically significant differences at 0.05 in ESR level between cases and controls P value 0.000.

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How to Cite
Mohammed Abdulzahra Sasaa, Q. A. Y. H. A. M. H. A. F. . (2021). Association of Chronic Helicobacter pylori infection with Iron Deficiency Anemia. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 1554–1560. Retrieved from