Solar Power Remote Monitoring Using IoT

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Archana P., Manoj Kumar C., Naveen Kumar V. B., Raghavan R., Rethick D.


The Internet of Things is commonly used to improve efficiency when measuring solar energy. It's also used to keep the plant alive and well. The cost of renewable energy equipment is falling around the world, which stimulates large-scale solar plant installations. Since the bulk of the field units are located in isolated, distant areas and hence are not supervised from a central office, automation of plant observation on such a wide scale of preparation deployments necessitates complex systems dependent on Internet interfaces. Is discovered The project is predicated on the use of the most up-to-date cost-effective technique sponsored by IoT to remotely monitor a star plant for performance. examination It can help with plant preventative management, fault diagnosis, and real-time observation.

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How to Cite
Archana P., Manoj Kumar C., Naveen Kumar V. B., Raghavan R., Rethick D. (2021). Solar Power Remote Monitoring Using IoT. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 216–222. Retrieved from