Calculating the Blood Cells Count Using Image Processing and Computer Vision.

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K.Kumaran, G.Saranya, N.Ananthi, Rachamalla Mrudula, Sally Thompson, Sritarunikha.T


The Blood cells white, red and platelets are vitals of the system . These cells help control infections with aggressive bacteriological viruses and germs that invade the body .laboratory tests which are not customary for everyone . the generation of codes that can facilitate the counting of blood cells that produce a correct response through images provides relief from this disadvantageDuring this study, the photographs were treated and an algorithmic blob observation program was accustomed to detecting the disease and differentiating RBC ,WBC and platelets.The automation is accompanied by a graphical program saved with an operating information system to retain user records.The system performance has been statistically defined as correct compared to the manual counting methodology.Therefore, the results demonstrate an associated accuracy of 100% for living substance

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How to Cite
K.Kumaran, G.Saranya, N.Ananthi, Rachamalla Mrudula, Sally Thompson, Sritarunikha.T. (2021). Calculating the Blood Cells Count Using Image Processing and Computer Vision . Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 12317–12329. Retrieved from