An Opportunistic Channel Accessing Strategy over Cognitive Radio Network using Game Theory Logic

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Ajay V. P., Nesasudha M.


Game Theory assisted Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) are under major concentration now-a-days to deal with spectrum allocation and energy utilization problems. In present situations, lots of channel accessing methodologies are available to handle successful communication between sending and receiving units but the distribution of channels for Secondary Users (SUs) are doubtful. Due to lack of priority and energy allocation level, Secondary Users are facing several issues regarding communication from one end to other end. In general the licensed Primary Users (PUs) have sufficient bandwidth and associated energy levels for communication; in case of any energy or bandwidth related deficiencies, the Secondary Users need to tolerate the communication level to provide sufficient resources to the licensed PUs to complete their communication at acceptable levels.

This paper introduces a new methodology called Game Theory enabled Opportunistic Channel Accessing Strategy (GTOCAS) over Cognitive Radio Network platform to provide a sufficient support to both Primary and Secondary Users to achieve the communication in balanced and successful fashion. The game theoretic model analyzes the available bandwidth of active nodes while both communications enabled and idle nodes are present in the network environment. The scenario of communication mentioned relates both licensed Primary Users as well as Secondary Users. The Primary User communication model is standard according to the traditional laws but the Secondary User communication model is altered with respect to the opportunistic channel allocation strategy by means of identifying the inactive nodes in the network environment. Such nodes are used as alternatives instead of utilizing the energy levels and bandwidth from Secondary Users, in case of insufficiency for Primary Users. This kind of alternate routing model gives proper efficiency to manage both Primary Users and the Secondary Users in the reliable state and manage the communication strategies far better compared to the classical routing strategies. The proposed approach of this paper ’GTOCAS’ assures improvements in efficiency, throughput, energy utilization, delay management and network lifetime improvements. All specified improvements are shown with relevant results in this paper.

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How to Cite
Ajay V. P., Nesasudha M. (2021). An Opportunistic Channel Accessing Strategy over Cognitive Radio Network using Game Theory Logic. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 11294–11304. Retrieved from