Requirements for the Application of Total Quality Management in Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

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Dr. Prof. Hudhaifa Ibrahim Khaleel Al-Harbi, Dr. Ali Sihoud Al-Mayahi, Abdullah Adnan Mohammed


Quality management in the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Science depends on the awareness of those in charge of the philosophy of total quality management, which is considered one of the modern management philosophies to apply the total quality requirements in the Faculties of Physics. The educational and mathematical sciences are blurry, the lack of clarity and the absence of scientific reasoning, and this makes matters related to the implementation of total quality by virtue of developments and conditions in the political, economic and social reality very difficult, and the ability to strategically plan for the future is very difficult. Weak and risky. Which prompted researchers to study this problem through knowing the quality requirements in the college, and the study aimed to renew the quality requirements at the level of foundations and apply them in the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and the research procedures included determining the quality of colleges. Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences and the contents and themes of Total Quality Management. The researchers concluded that the application of Total Quality Management in the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is beset with a number of errors and faced a number of difficulties and obstacles that limit access to its benefits. Respecting and appreciating the sciences of education and sports and a positive mental image among community members. The researchers recommended providing good care, appropriate incentives and continuous training, given that these human resources are the backbone of colleges of physical education and sports sciences. .

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How to Cite
Dr. Prof. Hudhaifa Ibrahim Khaleel Al-Harbi, Dr. Ali Sihoud Al-Mayahi, Abdullah Adnan Mohammed. (2021). Requirements for the Application of Total Quality Management in Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 10729–10743. Retrieved from