The Place of Small Genre Texts in Genre Features

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Ilhom Tursunovich Rustamov, Jumaqul Sarimsaqovich Mamatqulov, Abduaziz Abdujabbarovich Boymatov


Clarification of the peculiarities of the genre of anecdote to determine its place in the classification of existing genres, to compare the plot and composition with other epic genres, which leads to a greater understanding of the genre. The main character of anecdotes, which have long been popular among the peoples of Central Asia, is a person who speaks brightly and effectively, is rich in humor, and defends truth and justice. Latifa's plot is full of humorous episodes and situations full of jokes, cuts and pitchers. The anecdote is mostly humorous and therefore funny. Askiyachi must be proficient in language and be able to master the art of comedy, such as puns, jokes, jokes, satire, allusions, comparisons, rhymes and jokes. In the debate about Askia, the main criterion is intelligence, and now reaction. Praise is one of the most independent genres of Uzbek folklore. Because of its epilogue and dramatic mix in character, lof is seen as an example of episodic oral drama. The attics are staged, satirical and humorous works that require a unique style of performance from the audience. Praise, like Askia, requires eloquence and responsiveness. In all of them, or rather in the main part, the composition is built on a laconic collision.

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How to Cite
Ilhom Tursunovich Rustamov, Jumaqul Sarimsaqovich Mamatqulov, Abduaziz Abdujabbarovich Boymatov. (2021). The Place of Small Genre Texts in Genre Features. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5325–5331. Retrieved from