Border Ovarian Tumors in Pregnant Women

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Bashar Sabah Sahib, Hasanain Riyadh Abdulkadhim


Borderline ovarian tumors are typical for women of the reproductive period, in more than a third of patients, tumors are detected at the age of 15-29 years, the average age at the initial diagnosis is 40 years. The aim of the study was to improve methods for diagnosing borderline ovarian tumors during pregnancy and to determine the possibility of performing organ-preserving treatment. The study involved 300 pregnant women with various tumor-like formations (OC) and ovarian tumors (OC), of which 25 had borderline epithelial tumors: 22 - serous, three - mucinous. Before the operation, ultrasound was performed, the concentration in serum of CA-125, sFas, VEGF and IL6 was determined. The results obtained were compared with morphological studies. Organ-preserving and radical surgical treatment was carried out, if necessary, chemotherapy. Perinatal outcomes were studied in a crossover comparison. It was found that it is possible to distinguish between benign ovarian tumors from borderline (OOT) and malignant (OO) tumors using ultrasound and log regression models. VEGF levels above 500 pg / ml, IL6 above 8.1 pg / ml and CA-125 above 300 U / ml indicate a high probability of OST in pregnant women. And only a morphological study of ovarian tissue obtained regardless of surgical methods gave a true idea of ​​the nature of ovarian tumors in pregnant women. At the same time, in three pregnant women with OO, morphological examination revealed tissue areas characteristic of both OO and OO. Thus, the predominance of the initial forms of the tumor process, the relatively favorable course and prognosis in POT allow a fairly widespread use of surgical treatment of a sparing nature with the preservation of menstrual function and fertility.

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How to Cite
Bashar Sabah Sahib, Hasanain Riyadh Abdulkadhim. (2021). Border Ovarian Tumors in Pregnant Women. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3095 –. Retrieved from