Implementation Chemical Research of the Woolly Erva Plants Growing in the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Viloyathon Nurullabekovna Abdullabekova, Nodira Abdulxamitovna Yunuskhodjaeva, Muattar Asadullaevna Khodjaeva


This research paper presents the results of studies of flavonoids isorhamnetin–3–О–b–D -glycoside, narcissin (isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside) with a strong diuretic effect, as well as derivatives of hydroxycinnamic acid — vanillic, ferulic, lilac acids. For the first time, isorhamnetin –3–О–b–D – glycoside and ferulic acid were isolated from the herb Aerva lanata. And also the polysaccharide composition of the herva woolly herb was studied using BH and GLC methods.

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How to Cite
Viloyathon Nurullabekovna Abdullabekova, Nodira Abdulxamitovna Yunuskhodjaeva, Muattar Asadullaevna Khodjaeva. (2021). Implementation Chemical Research of the Woolly Erva Plants Growing in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 682–694. Retrieved from