Perception and Adaptation Capacity of Farmers to Climate Change

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Barokatuminalloh, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, Tri Mulyaningsih, Akhmad Daerobi


This study examines the perception and capacity adaptive of farmers in facing climate change. Climate change affects the agricultural sector in the stability of food production. Therefore, a change in behavior is needed to minimize its negative impact. Farmers' perceptions about climate change are needed to motivate farmers to take protective measures. Adaptation requires the ability and capacity to adapt. To assess adaptation capacity using a sustainable livelihoods approach based on the availability of five assets. The target population in this study is rice farmers in sub-districts with fertile and infertile land. The data analysis is performed using tabulation and internal and external factors analysis. The result shows that farmers' understanding of climate change is still low, they do not realize that the problems they have faced such as decreasing yields, increasing pests and diseases caused by climate change. The level of adaptation shows that there are slightly more farmers with high adaptation capacity compared to farmers with low adaptation capacity. This implies that it is necessary to increase farmers' understanding of climate change through the ease of accessing information. Adaptation capacity should be increased through the optimum utilization of resources owned by farmers.

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How to Cite
Barokatuminalloh, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, Tri Mulyaningsih, Akhmad Daerobi. (2021). Perception and Adaptation Capacity of Farmers to Climate Change . Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 5373–5382. Retrieved from