Detection of Nosema Cerranain Samples of Iraqi Bees Using Traditional and Molecular Methods

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Dr. Jinan Abdul Sattar Abdul Kareem, Ali Abdul Sattar Abdul Kareem, Dr. Kamella W. Shaher


Background:Microsporidia Nosema are widely distributed in natural environments and transferred among bees via the faecal-oral route. Nosema spp. spores have been detected on flowers and transferred to hives along with the bee pollen,The microscopic technique has been used for years in the diagnosis of Nosema disease,Different methods have been developed to distinguish Nosemaapis from Nosemaceranae.PolymeraseChain Reaction (PCR)is used to detect pathogen types along with other microbes .

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How to Cite
Dr. Kamella W. Shaher, D. J. A. S. A. K. A. A. S. A. K. (2021). Detection of Nosema Cerranain Samples of Iraqi Bees Using Traditional and Molecular Methods. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 3008–3013. Retrieved from