Association between Lockdown and Family Bonding

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Kaushik Vishnu Rajkumar, S. Sangeetha


Family bonding was the time the family spends together meaningfully. This was a designated time your family plans to interact with each other over a group of activities or a major fun project. Beneficial effects of spending time together, with family members learning how to listen and work together. Family bonding goes a bit deeper as emotions were involved. This type of bonding helps people to  learn more about each other's likes, loves, and passions. It helps solidify a love like no other person or group will ever provide to the family members.The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and  association  of  family bonding during lock down period. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among mixed populations of the members of the family about the family bonding and togetherness.The questionnaire was distributed among 106 participants through an online survey link.The responses were collected and analysed using SPSS software.The Pearson Chi square test was also done  associating  gender with the family bonding during lock down that majority of 78.3% of the population spent adequate time with their family members during lockdown.P-value< 0.05 was considered statistically significant, with a confidence interval of 95%. From the result The study concludes that the family bonding between the members of the family were improved and created a bonding among themselves during this lock down period.

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How to Cite
Kaushik Vishnu Rajkumar, S. Sangeetha. (2021). Association between Lockdown and Family Bonding. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1282–1296. Retrieved from