Cultural and Historical Prerequisites for the Development of the Innovative Potential of the Subject of Creativity

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Jurayeva Sohibjamol Norkobilovna, Kiyamov Nishon Sadikovich, Shodiev Fakhriddin Teshaevich, Suyarova Lola Gulmurodovna, Sultonov AkramIkromovich


This article details in detail the creativity of the creator in the world and through the history and culture of the world, the essence of which is the method of existence of the creator in the world, its innovative potential, and the ideas of thinkers as cultural and historical sources for the innovative development of the subject of creativity. It is justified that pedagogical and psychological sciences play an important role in the development of the creative potential of the subject of creativity.

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How to Cite
Jurayeva Sohibjamol Norkobilovna, Kiyamov Nishon Sadikovich, Shodiev Fakhriddin Teshaevich, Suyarova Lola Gulmurodovna, Sultonov AkramIkromovich. (2021). Cultural and Historical Prerequisites for the Development of the Innovative Potential of the Subject of Creativity. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 2982–2986. Retrieved from