The Role of Moringaoleifrera Seed Extract in Amelioration of Kidney Injury Induced by Sodium Nitrite in Male Rats

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Ashwaq Kadhem Obeid, Heba Alwan Abd - Alsalam Alsalame, Rawaa Hamid Abdulshahed


The present study aimed to reveal the biological vitality of Moringaoleifera seeds aqueous extract in the protection of the kidney tissues from the oxidative stress induced by Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2).36 Male rats have been divided at random to 6 groups every one of which includes 6 rats dosed for 30 days , The first group a control , group 2 treated by NaNO2in aconcentration of 40mg/ kg orally by gavage , Group 3 normal rat dosed aqueous extracts ofMoringaOleifera seeds 350 mg /kg,  The Group4 normal rats dosed aqueous extracts of MoringaOleifera seeds 450mg /kg , whileGroup 5,6 normal rats received aqueous extracts of MoringaOleifera seeds concentration350 and 450mg /kg and before 4 hour of taking)Sodium Nitrite( NaNO2 with 40mg/kg of body weight. The results of this study  pointed to that a Histologically the activity of extracts ofMoringaOleifera seeds has been as well capable of protecting the kidney from the damage that has been induced by sodium nitrite, represented by  shrinkage of glomerular,  and degeneration of epithelial lining cell of renal tubular , congestion ,and expanded Bowman Space ,  hemorrhage,    The aqueous extractMoringaOleifera seeds  at doses of 350mg/kg  and 450mg/kg  orally considerably protected the Sodium nitrite induced kidney toxicity in the rats by the increasein the Catalyaseand Glutathione enzymes and reduces the MDA. In conclusions, Moringaoleifera seeds   extract results in the enhancement of the defense status of the oxidative stress against the renal toxicity.

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How to Cite
Ashwaq Kadhem Obeid, Heba Alwan Abd - Alsalam Alsalame, Rawaa Hamid Abdulshahed. (2021). The Role of Moringaoleifrera Seed Extract in Amelioration of Kidney Injury Induced by Sodium Nitrite in Male Rats. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(2), 2392–2402. Retrieved from