Biology, Weight Measurement and Larval Time Consumption of Lemon Butterfly, Papilio Demoleus Linnaeus (1758) on Citrus Limon Leaves under Laboratory Conditions

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Wali Muhammad Mangrio, Hakim Ali Sahito


The research study on the biology of the lemon butterfly was carried out under laboratory conditions in Date Palm Research Institute (DPRI) from July to December 2020-21. The collection was made from lemon leaves and placed into jars, later on inside the mosquito net (4x7ft) reared at 25±2°C relative temperature and 65±5% R.H. For oviposition a couple of adult male/female (♂:♀) were individually released, on tender twigs, an adult female laid egg singly, then separately eggs were placed inside the Petri dishes. The egg incubation period lasted overall 2.99±0.13f, 4.00±0.08e, 4.20±0.06e, 4.98±0.10d, 3.98±0.08e, and 4.99±0.09d mean days for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th larvae stages. The pre-pupae 1.84±0.04g, pupae 4.04±0.09e, post-pupae 1.53±0.10g consumed mean days, and adult male consumed 3.81±0.09e, female 6.74±0.08c mean days, total male longevity 36.18±0.39b, female 39.11±0.37a mean days lasted. Whereas mean egg hatching % 95.05±0.58a and 83.80±1.11bc, 91.91±0.78ab, 88.55±1.95ab, 85.77±2.56bc, 74.51±2.98d 1st to 5th larvae stages, pupae 45.92±1.57e, adult male 21.21±1.05fg, female 24.71±0.93f survival % were recorded. The overall different five-stage larvae mean calculated 0.03, 0.05, 0.11, 0.16, 0.48, pre-pupae 0.76, pupae, 0.52 and post-pupae 0.46 in grams, respectively. From 1st up to last stage of larvae for food-seeking to reach at 5cm distance lasted 4.39, 3.76, 2.85, 2.01, and 1.12 minutes and seconds. The novelty of this research determines that Papilio demoleus serve as citrus destructive pest during their developing stages. It is strictly needed and an immediate call more work should be performed for healthy future perspective to combat form this plague pest.

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How to Cite
Wali Muhammad Mangrio, Hakim Ali Sahito. (2022). Biology, Weight Measurement and Larval Time Consumption of Lemon Butterfly, Papilio Demoleus Linnaeus (1758) on Citrus Limon Leaves under Laboratory Conditions. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 26(01), 282–297. Retrieved from