Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"><img src="" alt="" width="206" height="268" /></div> <div class="col-md-8"> <ul> <li><strong>Title:</strong> Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology</li> <li><strong>ISSN:</strong> 1583-6258</li> <li><strong>Country:</strong> Romania</li> <li><strong>Publisher:</strong> Association of Cell Biology Romania</li> <li><strong>Frequency:</strong> Monthly</li> <li><strong>Contact:</strong></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief:</strong> Ryon Oelen, Wageningen University &amp; Research, Romania</li> <li><strong>Associate Editor:</strong> Assunta Lorenzo, Canada<br />Iffah Harb, Romania</li> <!-- <li><strong>Citation Analysis: </strong> <strong><a>Scopus</a> | <a>Web of Science</a> | <a>Google Scholar</a></strong></li> --></ul> </div> </div> <hr /> <div class="row"> <h2>Most Popular Articles</h2> <h4>Laser confocal microscopic study of callose in plants at nature submergence</h4> <p style="text-align: justify;">The dispersion and relative substance of callose in cell dividers of epidermis, mesophyll and vessels of conductive packs of Potamogeton perfoliatus, Potamogeton pectinatus and Myriophyllum spicatum leaves with the laser confocal microscopy (LSM 5, Germany) and Pascal program dissected and contrasted with leaf anatomical qualities. Nature submergence animates callose creation in leaf cells of the epidermis and mesophyll. The reliance on content callose in cell dividers on species, tissue and plant stage advancement set up. It is uncovered that callose substance of mesophyll cells of plants during vegetative stage is significantly more in examination with that in leaves at the blossoming phase of plants.</p> <h4>Histological aspects of the esophagus at Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera)</h4> <p style="text-align: justify;">From three clinically solid Chinchilla guys butchered by the proprietor for their hide, were gathered throat pieces having a place with the three unique regions: cervical, thoracic and stomach. The tissue pieces were handled by the paraffin incorporation strategy so as to perform histological examination. In each of the three distinct fragments, the esophageal mucosa is spoken to by a separated squamous epithelium with a granular layer twice as evolved contrasted and the spinosum layer and with a medium level of surface keratinization. Muscularis of the mucosa is all around spoke to and present in every one of the three fragments, with an attentive thickening inclination from the cervical to the stomach portion. It is arranged on a solitary layer and is framed from smooth muscle cells with longitudinal orientation.</p> <h4>The antioxidants are not enough. Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. extract enhances the carbon tetrachloride liver toxicity in albino rats</h4> <p style="text-align: justify;">Liver toxicosis prompted by CCl4 presentation is an authoritative model for steatohepatitis. Cancer prevention agents are as often as possible utilized for hepatoprotection yet now and again they have no advantageous impact dependent on the prooxidant properties or lattice harmfulness. Four exploratory gatherings (Control, Extract, CCl4 and CCl4 + Extract) of pale skinned person rodents were utilized so as to assess the impact of the hydroglycerin alcoholic Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. separate in CCl4-prompted steatohepatitis. Blood transaminases and TNF? were expanded after CCl4 organization and cell-interceded provocative reaction was improved similarly with transaminases and TNF?.</p> </div> <hr /> <h2>Most Recent Articles</h2> <div class="row"> <div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" style="padding: 20px;" data-ride="carousel"><!-- Indicators --> <!-- Wrapper for slides --> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="item active"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt=" An Efficient Energy Utilization Analysis using Novel Chess Optimization Algorithm" width="300" height="204" /></div> <div class="col-md-7"> <p style="margin: 10px; text-align: justify;"><strong>An Efficient Energy Utilization Analysis using Novel Chess Optimization Algorithm</strong><br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> The demand for the power distribution to the residential buildings is a non consistent form that depends on the inhabitant requirement, occupancy dynamism and the appliances that were working in it. The optimization of power consumption and various different building parameters tends to the reduced power consumption and maximize the efficiency of power management integrating with the forecasting of energy demands....<a href="">Read More</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt=" IoT based Wheat Leaf Disease Classification using Hybridization of Optimized Deep Neural Network and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm" width="300" height="204" /></div> <div class="col-md-7"> <p style="margin: 10px; text-align: justify;"><strong>IoT based Wheat Leaf Disease Classification using Hybridization of Optimized Deep Neural Network and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm</strong> <br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> Image classification has become a hot research area in identifying diseases in plants. For eliminating the financial loss of farmers, plant diseases identification by image processing models can be used to save the agricultural products. This paper presents a new IoT and cloud based classification model of wheat leaf diseases using optimal deep neural network....<a href="">Read More</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt=" Effect of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Controlling Bacterial Leaf Disease in Lowland Rice Caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae Bacteria" width="300" height="204" /></div> <div class="col-md-7"> <p style="margin: 10px; text-align: justify;"><strong>Effect of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Controlling Bacterial Leaf Disease in Lowland Rice Caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae Bacteria</strong> <br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> Bacterial leaf blight on lowland rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzaepvoryzae (Xoo) is still an important disease. Yield loss could reached 30-40%. This research was carried out in the experiment station and the plant disease laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh with the aim to determine the effect of mycorrhiza in controlling....<a href="">Read More</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Left and right controls --> <a class="left carousel-control" href="" data-slide="prev"> <span class="icon-prev" aria-hidden="true">?</span> <span class="sr-only">Previous</span></a><a class="right carousel-control" href="" data-slide="next"> <span class="icon-next" aria-hidden="true">?</span> <span class="sr-only">Next</span> </a></div> </div> en-US (Editor Annals of RSCB) (Editor Annals of RSCB) Sat, 03 Feb 2024 07:33:19 +0000 OJS 60 Study of Variations of Umbilical Fissure for Ligamentum Teres Hepatis in Human Cadaveric Livers <p>Background- The classical umbilical fissure is a groove for ligamentum teres hepatis located on the visceral surface of human liver. It may present several variations as highlighted by the current study.</p> <p>Materials and Methods- The study comprised of twenty formalin preserved human adult livers of unknown sex harvested from embalmed cadavers. The livers were examined and variations of the umbilical fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis were observed and recorded suitably.</p> <p>Results- Normal or classical umbilical fissure was observed in only 40% cases. The variations noted were as follows- fibrotic capsule bridging across umbilical fissure (10%); liver parenchyma (pons hepatis) bridging across umbilical fissure(15%); incomplete umbilical fissure with partially demarcated quadrate lobe, but ligamentum&nbsp; teres hepatis absent(15%); no quadrate lobe(5%); projection (designated as lingual process in this study) arising from right lobe(5%) amd projecting into umbilical fissure; lingual process arising from left lobe(5%) and projecting into umbilical fissure; lingual process arising from both lobes(5%) and projecting into umbilical fissure.</p> <p>Conclusion- These anatomical variations of umbilical fissure are clinically significant as they can pose challenges in diagnostic and surgical procedures involving the liver.</p> Gyanaranjan Nayak, Sujita Pradhan, Lopamudra Nayak, Niranjan Sahoo Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 04 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison between the ability of ginger, pomegranate and curcumin to inhibit migration and invasion of U87 cells <p>Aim: Cancer is considered as one of the fatal diseases in most countries. Despite the high medical care development, most cancers are resistant to treatment. Therefore, there is a continuous research for novel treatment methods.</p> <p>This study investigated the effect of curcumin, from <em>Curcuma longa, </em>different concentrations of soaked ginger and pomegranate juice on the invasion of U87 glioma cell line spheres in 3D collagen model. Furthermore, this study investigated the anti-migration effects of the mentioned plants on the migration of the same cell line in scratch assay.</p> <p>Method: The Study was done in the department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. The 3D invasion assay and 2D migration assays were used to fulfill the mentioned aims in addition to the Image J program that was used to analyze the area of invasion and the area of migration over the days of applying the assays.</p> <p>Results: Gradual effect of curcumin, the soaked ginger and Pomegranate juice was noticed on the inhibition of the invasion of U87 in collagen and on the inhibition of the migration of the same cell line in scratch assay in a dose and time-dependent manner. However, the results were more potent in migration compared to invasion.</p> <p>Conclusion: This work adds more proofs on the importance of curcumin; ginger; and pomegranate juice as anti-invasive and anti-migration agents and opens the door for more investigative studies</p> Manar Zraikat, Walhan Alshaer, Ali Zraikat, Suheil M. Zmeili, Ebaa M Alzayadneh, Tasneem Alshelleh, Lana Koubaitary Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Conventional and Molecular Identification of Brucella spp. in Different Farm Animals from Different Rural Areas in Wasit Province, Iraq <p>The present study was conducted to identify the occurrence of <em>Brucella </em>spp. in different farm animals from different rural areas of Wasit Province, Iraq. The study involved in the sampling of 165 blood samples from 81 cows, 50 buffalos, 23 sheep, and 11 goats. These samples (5 ml/each) were subjected to Rose Bengal test (RBT), regular bacterial cultivation and identification, positive-RBT-dependent real-time PCR (RT-PCR), and cultivation-dependent conventional <em>16S rRNA </em>gen-and <em>B5/B4 </em>gene-based PCR, which were followed by a phylogenetic investigation utilizing partial gene sequencing. The results of the RBT revealed the presence of <em>Brucella </em>antibodies in 14 animals, which were distributed as 5 (6.2%), 1 (2%), 3 (13.04%), and 2 (18.2%), respectively. The findings showed significant (<em>p</em>&lt;0.05) correlation of infection with age, sex, and geographical areas in all animals. The cultivation demonstrated the presence of <em>Brucella </em>spp. in 6 (42.9%) of the RBT positive samples, which were confirmed in RT-PCR and conventional PCRs. The phylogenetic work revealed close similarity with isolates from India, Egypt, China, and USA. The present study results shows that <em>Brucella </em>spp. was present in cows, buffalos, sheep, and goats, which might be considered as important infection sources to spread the infection to different animal herds and areas.</p> Asmahan Zaidan Abdulridha Alkhamees , Dariush Minai Tehrani , Luma Hikmat Kareem Al-Bayati Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Histological and Immunohistochemical Investigation of Pancreatic Buffaloes <p>This study was done to describe distribution of endocrine and exocrine pancreatic cells in water buffalo. Hence, a total of 25 fresh pancreas samples were collected from slaughtered adult buffaloes in Al-Diwaniyah slaughterhouses (Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq), and then washed, processed, stained and examined. The findings revealed that there were a compound tubulo-acina and lobulated gland surrounded with thin connective tissue capsule, blood arteries, nerves, lymphatic vessels, adipose cells with collagen and elastic fibers. The endocrine tissue, islets of langerhans, displayed clear regular structure immersed within the acinar tissue and delineated by well define delicate connective tissue that contain blood vessels which give the islets spherical shape. The connective tissue involved in separating the endocrine tissue from exocrine. The abundant beta cells appeared normal, rounded to polygonal and stained blue. The smaller number of alpha cells took round to oval shape and almost stained red in color with distinct nuclei. The exocrine sections of the gland were the largest, and these glands were tubuloacinur glands, and each acinus consisted form single layer of large glandular pyramidal shaped epithelial cells resting on basement membrane, the acinar cells contained spherical nucleus basally near the basement membrane, and these cells had large, spherical and homogenous zymogens granules accumulate the cytoplasm in apex. Pancreatic endocrine cells were seen as groups, and separated from exocrine units by very thin layer of connective tissue that completely surrounded the islets. There was a large network of blood capillaries around the islets, and each islet has its own capillary network that is in communication with every other islet. Endocrine cells had an uneven branched cord-like structure that is mixed in with blood arteries. Immunohistichemical examination in the present finding elucidated the Langerhans islets in the pancreas of buffaloes via the using of glucagon and insulin antibody, and detected that the immune reaction varied in density in the islets of pancreas in their two lobes. The immunohistochemical reaction for glucagon and insulin was found three types of islets in the pancreas; alpha (dark), beta (light) and mixed islets. In conclusion, the studying of buffalo animal as it is one of the local economic animals, and comparing between the tissue structure of pancreas of all animals and relationships between them are recommended.</p> Muqdad Ahmed Shihab , Nasam Emad Daim Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Serological and Molecular Detection of Brucella Melitensis, Wasit, Iraq <p>The current study was carried out to identify the prevalence of <em>Brucella melitensis</em> infections in humans in Wasit province serologically using the Rose-Bengal test (RBT) and molecularly by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The venous blood samples collected randomly from totally 300 individuals into anticoagulant-EDTA plastic tube were tested initially by RBT, and the positive samples were confirmed later by the PCR assay. The findings revealed that 24.67% (74/300) of study population was serologically positives by RBT. Molecularly, there were 39.19% (29/74) positive individuals by the conventional PCR. Regarding the region, significant increases (P&lt;0.0456) in positivity were reported in Al-Numaniyah (17.33%) while significant reduction was seen in Badra (8%) when compared to other study regions; Al-Kut (8%) and Al-Hai (10.67%). In relation to the study period, insignificant differences (P&lt;0.0581) were detected between the positive values of August (8%) and September (11.33%). For sex, the positive higher values were identified significantly (P&lt;0.0363) in males (12.21%) than females (3.45%). Among age groups, the findings of positivity were increased significantly (P&lt;0.04) in &gt;20-40 years old (9.8%) and &gt; 40 years old (10.92%) than those of £20 years old (3.57%). In conclusion, the combination of different diagnostic methods provided more insurance and supported high reliably findings. Also, the application of molecular-PCR assays is of great value since it provides a more sensitive and specific data about the status of infection in addition to their ability in detection of organism in blood samples efficiently. In people and animals living in the same households, brucellosis allows for identification and quantification of risk factors for brucellosis transmission at the household level. However, the prevalence of infection in animal reservoirs can provide a key to its prevalence in humans; therefore, surveys of brucellosis in different domestic and wild animals are required</p> Ghufran J. Shamkhi Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Study Protocol on The Efficacy of Fluticasone Versus Bharangi (Clerodendrom Serratum Linn) Arka (Aqueous Extract) Nasal Spray In Pratishyaya (Chronic Allergic Rhinitis) In Children <p>The pervasiveness of Allergic rhinitis among children is high while comparing other inflammatory diseases. Even though it doesn’t have a direct impact on their well-being, it is the villain of the piece interrupting their healthy growth. A closer look at school-going children reveals the fact that Allergic rhinitis is one of the most visible symptoms that disturbs their cycle of life. Fluticasone nasal spray considered as the Gold Standard in COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the first line treatment method usually prescribed in this ailment. The disease Pratishyaya mentioned in classical Ayurveda texts exhibits features analogous to Allergic rhinitis. Arkaprakasha, serves as the principal testament to the sanative value of Bharangi Arka in Pratishyaya. The Arka prepared from the root of Bharangi has pharmacological effects adequate to pacify the disease. This study plans to evaluate the equivalent efficacy of Bharangi Arka and Fluticasone in Allergic rhinitis. Both of the drugs are administered in the form of nasal sprays since they can be applied more conveniently and easily on the school going group. For the study, 84 children from the age group of 4-14 years with Pratishyaya is selected arbitrarily fulfilling the inclusion criteria and is categorized into two groups. The choice between the nasal sprays is be made by Double- blind method and the assessment is done based on TNSS (Total Nasal Symptom Scoring) within a duration of 28 days. If Bharangi Arka is found to have a fruitful effect, it could foster further research with revamped Ayurveda formulations</p> Dr. Deepthi Balakrishnan, Dr. Renu Rathi, Dr. Bharath Rathi, Dr. Monika Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Correlation of Serum Alanine Aminotransferase, Aspartate Aminotransferase and Total Protein with Copper in Anemic Women <p>Anemia remains a major public health problem, affecting one third of all adults and almost two billion people worldwide. Main aim of this study is to determine serum copper, alanine aminotransferase (ALT),&nbsp; aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and total protein and explore the possible association that might present between them in Anemic Women.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Fifty subjects were included in this study, they were divided into two groups; controls group which involved 20 females, and patients group involved 30 females, the sample collection has been attended the students of the college of applied science and some private laboratories in Al-Fallujah city, for the sampling period was from January 2022 to April 2022 and the ages of all subjects was ranged from 20-45 year. Serum levels of Copper &nbsp;and liver enzymes mentioned in the study were estimated by color enzymatic methods .</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;The results showed lower serum levels of Copper (µg/dL) with significant differences in anemic women (P &lt; 0.0001) than in control group. The serum levels of ALT (U/L) was significantly higher in controls (P &lt; 0.0001) in comparison with patients, also the serum levels of, AST was significantly higher &nbsp;in controls than patients (P &lt; 0.001), while the serum levels of total protein decreased slightly in the patients group in comparison to the controls group (P &lt; 0.001).</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The current study showed that the correlation for Copper with Age weak positive (r = 0.383), (p=0.037), and &nbsp;negative correlation was notice &nbsp;with total protein (r = -0.505) (p=0.004) .In addition to no correlation was observed between Copper with ALT and AST.</p> Nedaa Yaseen Taha Alani, Mohammed Fadhel Jassim, Mearaj Mahdi Mohammed Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Genetic Structure of Iraqi Populations <p><strong>Background</strong>: The field of genetics has become more and more crucial to our comprehension of human evolution. Genetic developments have given us new means of verifying or disproving historical theories. Our ancestors mingled with prehistoric humans, who seem to have more genetic variation in common, for example with modern non-African humans than with modern sub-Saharan African humans.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: A laboratory specializing in family tree construction evaluated 2238 samples in total, drawn at random from a group of Iraqis.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: It was demonstrated that the Neolithic (Caucasian), Natufian (local Jazri Levantine), and Anatolian Iranians make up the majority of Iraqis. Examining a single sample of pure Jazri ancestry, the findings showed that the sample was 60% Natufian (local Jazri Levantine), 28% Neolithic.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: The genetic composition has no relation to the paternal genealogy as it differs from one computer to another, as each computer uses a different Algorithm. Generally, the genetic composition differs according to the comparison samples, when the purer samples the more accurate results, and to the genetic distances, where the closer distance to zero, the more precise results.</p> Ammar M. Shakir Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study of Microbial Contaminants in White Cheese in Basra Markets, Iraq <p>This study was conducted to detect and identify the types of microbial contaminants in the homemade soft white cheese in Basra city markets and from different regions to assess their validity and their compliance with the approved Iraqi health standards. Fifty samples of soft white cheese samples were collected from the local markets of the city of Basra, represented by the regions (Al-Ashar, Old Basra, Abi Al-Khateeb, Al-Qarma, and five miles) during the period from February 2020 to April 2020 by using 250 g for each sample of soft white cheese. total bacterial count and the total coliform count was investigated, as well as the <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> preparation and the presence of <em>Pseudomonas spp</em> was also investigate compared with specific control rates, biochemical identification was done by using the Enterosystem18R system. The results of the current study showed the high content of soft white cheese from the microorganisms that included many pathogens in humans and food poisoning. Total bacterial count ranges from 5.6 x 10<sup>5 &nbsp;</sup>to 6.8 x 10<sup>9</sup> cfu /g, coliform bacteria ranged from 4.6 x 10<sup>4</sup> to 9.99 x10<sup>7</sup> cfu/g and it was found that the bacterial count of <em>E. coli </em>was between 2.1 x 10 <sup>2 </sup>to 3.9 x 10<sup>9 </sup>cfu/g,. <em>Pseudomonas </em>spp. was found between 2.4 x 10<sup>4 </sup>to 3.1 x 10<sup>7 </sup>cfu/g and <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> bacteria was 1.8 x 10<sup>7 </sup>to 5.3 x 10<sup>7</sup> cfu/g .It was concluded through this study that soft white cheese samples contain high bacterial contamination that may threaten consumers' general health, exceeding health standards.</p> Hiba A. Nasear Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hormonal, Hematological, and Oxidant / Antioxidant Disturbances in Aborted Cows <p><strong>Background</strong>: Cattle abortion, increasingly occurred in Iraq in last decades due to unknown causes, associates with various postpartum disturbances and/or complications which might affect markedly of the reproductive performance.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Aims</strong>: To estimate the possible changes in hormonal, hematological and antioxidant/oxidant profiles in aborted cows due to undiagnosed causes.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods</strong>: A total of 80 adult cows; 40 naturally calving cows as a healthy control in addition to 40 recently aborted cows, were selected from different areas in Al-Qadisiyah province during March-November (2023), and subjected for draining the jugular venous blood that kept into with and without anticoagulant tubes.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: In aborted group, the findings of hematology were showed a significant decrease in values of total erythrocytes and hemoglobin, and significant elevation in values of MCV when compared to those of healthy group. However, insignificant variations (P&gt;0.05) between values of both study groups were showed in hematocrit, MCH, MCHC, total leaukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes. For hormones, the findings of aborted cows revealed a significant reduction in values of prolactin and a significant elevation in values of insulin. In cows of aborted group, the findings of antioxidants (catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) were significantly higher; while, malondialdehyde was significantly lower than seen in cows of healthy groups. Although the findings of glucose and magnesium were differed insignificantly, the concentration of calcium was reduced significantly in cows of healthy group when compared to those of aborted group.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: To date, abortion in cattle due to unknown causes and their complications remain an actual problem without control. This might represent the first study in Iraq compare between the markers of aborted cows and naturally calving cows; therefore, additional studies appear very important to know all bodily changes after abortion and the methods for decreasing or preventing their negative effects.</p> Basim Hameed Abed Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Role of Some Cytokines in Pathogenicity of Toxoplasmosis in Aborted Women in Karbala,Iraq <p>210 blood samples were collected for pregnant women who aborted with toxoplasmosis and those who aborted for other reasons during the first trimester of pregnancy at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Teaching Hospital in the city of Karbala during the period 7/1/2021 until 2/22/2023. The required information was recorded according to a special questionnaire form prepared in advance. For this purpose, the results of the rapid examination, RAPID TEST, out of 210 aborted women, showed that 60 of them were infected with toxoplasmosis, a percentage of 28.5%, while 150 women aborted for other reasons, out of 210 aborted women, a percentage of 71.4%, were negative (serum) and not infected with <em>Toxoplasma gondii</em>.The results of the examination of immunological indicators showed that there was a significant increase in TNF-α cytokinetic concentrations in patients aborted with toxoplasmosis 13.18±3.49 pg/ml compared with the mean and standard error 8.45± 1.89 and 4.18±0.83 for each of the patients aborted for reasons Other women control.The results did not record any significant differences in the level of cytokinetic TGF-β for the patients who aborted with toxoplasmosis and the patients who aborted for other reasons, respectively 27.18±4.63 and 25.29±2.16 compared with the control group, as the rate was recorded at 4.66±0.78</p> Hussein A.M. Al-Jubouri , Kawther A.M. Al-Mussawi Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Studying the Effects of Active Compounds in Clove Plant and their Impact Against Certain Types of Candida Species <p>The study included the detection of active compounds by using the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. &nbsp;It revealed about 7 effective compounds, as the clove plant contains volatile oils and the most effective and concentrated compound was Eugenol acetate. The genus <em>Candida</em> spp. was identified based on cultural and microscopic characteristics was revealed in a way of smooth, shiny, convex colonies, white to milky in color, and distinguished by its distinctive odor.&nbsp; The shape of the cells appeared spherical to oval or longitudinal, single and budded. The virulence factors of <em>Candida</em> species were studied Its ability to produce Protease enzyme and the possibility of isolation from yeast <em>C. albicans</em> on the enzyme production, followed by <em>C. tropicalis</em> yeast while the other species do not have the ability to produce the protease enzyme. The ability of <em>Candida was </em>to produce the hemolysin enzyme especially the two species <em>C. albicans</em> and <em>C</em>. <em>glabrata</em> have hemolytic ability, while other isolates portability was non-hemolytic, and their ability to produce phospholipase enzyme was demonstrated by the isolate of <em>C.albicans</em> which recognized by the&nbsp; appearance of a white dense area around the growing colonies, which is the area of&nbsp;&nbsp; deposition on the medium of&nbsp; solid egg yolk, while the rest of the isolates did not produce the enzyme phospholipase. The alcoholic extract of Cloves plants was prepared for the purpose of identifying the antagonistic activity against <em>Candida</em> species, it was noted that the clove plant inhibited all species.</p> Sarab Fadhil , Sabah Abd Fleih , Zuhair Hameed Abboud Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Gene expression of Entamoeba histolytica in diarrhetic patients from Wasit province <p>In order to identify the amoebiasis-causing <em>Entamoeba histolytica</em> in people who were suffering from diarrhea, this study made use of molecular detection technologies. We gathered stool samples from one hundred people who were experiencing symptoms of diarrhea and classified them according to their age and gender. The findings of an inspection using a direct microscope showed that ninety percent of the samples had <em>entamoeba</em> germs. According to the findings of a microscopic inspection, the rate of infection with <em>Entamoeba</em> was much greater in females (86.73 percent) than in men (70.8 percent), and this difference was significant at the level of 0.05 for the P value. The investigation also indicated significant infection rates in the age categories of 5-11 years and more than 50 years (respectively 85.23 percent and 78.81 percent), but a reduced infection rate in the age group of more than 2 years (43.45 percent). The nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction, in which the small subunit gene was used, was able to establish that the infection rate for <em>E. histolytica</em> 91 was greater (91 percent). The prevalence of the <em>Entamoeba histolytica</em> infection is much higher in females (89.23 percent) than it is in males (82.35 percent). Both the older age group (&gt;2) and the younger age group (28-48 years) had an infection rate that was one hundred percent attributable to E. histolytica. Based on gender, age, and the results of nested multiplex PCR, this gave the proportion of people that were infected with <em>Entamoeba histolytica.</em></p> Thuraya Khaled Abdulwahed Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Levels of Interleukins, Hepcidin and Ferritin in Helicobacter pylori Patients <p>The current study was aimed to estimate the prevalence of <em>H. pylori</em> in anemic patients and the levels of serum interleukins (1 and 6), hepcidin and ferritin. Totally, 110 individuals who went to the consulting clinic at Medical city Hospital in Baghdad Governorate during May to September (2022) were subjected to the current study. The blood samples were collected from the study population and the obtained sera were examined using the specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to detect the prevalence of anti-<em>H. pylori</em> IgG-antibodies and the levels of interleukins, (1 and 6), hepcidin and ferritin. According to the results of serum analysis of 100 patients aged between 20-60 years, 75% were <em>H. pylori</em> positive. The percentage of males who tested positive was 62.7% compared to 37.3% females. The obtained results of hepcidin for anemia by <em>H. pylori</em> patients compared with the control group is 3.78 ± 0.17 ng/mL and 6.46 ± 1.52 ng/mL, respectively. It appeared that the hepcidin concentration was significantly lower (p &lt;0.01) for the patients than for the controls. The values of Interleukin-1B appeared to be higher for anemia by <em>H. pylori</em> patients compared to the control group. The data obtained from IL-1 showed a significant increase in the serum concentration of patients compared with the healthy control group (p &lt;0.01). As for values of Interleukin-6, the obtained results showed a significant increase in the serum concentration of patients compared with the healthy control group (p&gt;0.05). The values of interleukin-6 appeared to be higher for anemia by <em>H. pylori</em> patients. This study concluded that there is a relationship between low ferritin levels and infection with <em>H. pylori</em>, and this leads to cases of anemia in the patient. The high levels of cytokines showed a correlation with infection with <em>H. pylori,</em> as infection stimulates the immune system.While the levels of hepcidin protein did not show clear results and its relationship with infection with <em>H. pylori</em>. Because the serological tests do not distinguish between active infection and past exposure to <em>H. pylori</em>, further confirmation by other tests is required before eradication therapy. Several tests are available for the diagnosis of <em>H. pylori</em> infection. It should focus on the usefulness and limitations of each diagnostic method as well as the recent developments of these tests that contribute to improve the diagnostic accuracy. It should be considered in the future to extend current routine diagnostics of <em>H. pylori</em> infections with Next Generation Sequence (NGS) applications. More researches are needed to establish different foods at high risk of <em>H. pylori </em>presence and transmission.</p> Abbas Ali Hussein, Fazel Pourahmad, Fawzi Hasan Zayr Alfahdawi Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hepatitis B Virus in Al- Diwaniya Governorate <p>Infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a public health concern because it can lead to liver conditions like cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer.</p> <p>The basic immunology idea of an antigen attaching to its particular antibody is used in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, which enable the detection of extremely minute amounts of antigens like proteins, peptides, hormones, or antibodies in a fluid sample.</p> <p>By using ELISA screening, 80 samples were positive for the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). The study sample consisted of 59 males and 21 females, aged between 12 and 75. Results were 33 samples (41.25%) were positive for HBV-DNA. 47 (58.75%) of the samples tested negative for HBV-DNA using PCR. According to the current study, there is no discernible difference between males and females or between rural and urban areas in the incidence of HBV.</p> Hazim S. Atiyah Al-Mhanah1 , Waad Mohammed Salih,Rasool Kadhim Zamakh, Albohai Allah Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Spectrum of Granulomatous Lesion of Skin Among Skin Punch Biopsies <p>The granulomatous reaction pattern is defined as a distinctive inflammatory pattern characterized by the presence of granulomas. Granulomas are relatively discrete collections of histiocytes or epithelioid histiocytes with variable numbers of admixed multinucleated giant cells and inflammatory cells</p> <p>Material &amp; methods -This prospective observational study was conducted in dept of pathology&nbsp; at a tertiary level health care centre in rajasthan . 500 consecutive skin punch from 1<sup>ST</sup> Aug 2019 onwards reviewd .&nbsp; Clinical information and clinical diagnosis were noted .Sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin along with other necessary special stains were studied. The granulomas were subclassified into sarcoidal, tuberculoid, necrobiotic, suppurative, foreign body and miscellaneous granulomas.</p> <p>Results- In consecutive 500 skin punch biopsies, 60 cases (12.00%) were diagnosed as granulomatous lesion.Granulomatous lesion was more common in male , 3<sup>rd</sup> decade of life and Upper extremities was commonly involved&nbsp; site&nbsp; in granulomatous lesions.Tuberculoid was most common type of granuloma . Infectious etiology was coomonest in this spectrum , leprosy followed by tuberculosis. In leprosy&nbsp; tuberculoid leprosy&nbsp; was commonest followed by borderline leprosy .Among cutaneous lupus vulgaris was commonest . In &nbsp;suppurative type , mycetoma was predominant.</p> <p>Conclusion - Increased incidence of granulomatous lesions needs a good clinical history, a close histological examination and a clinico-pathological correlation in making a final diagnosis. Optimum communication between pathologists and clinician is utmost important with strict adherence to clinical criteria while deciding site and depth of biopsy.</p> Rishita, Rajni Joshee, Arpita Singhvi, Yogi Raj Joshi Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Biochemical changes in thalassemia patients infected with Toxoplasma gondii <p>The current study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of <em>Toxoplasma gondii</em> infection in Betathalassemia Major Patients and detection the effect of toxoplasmosis on biochemical changes in patients, in Wasit province. Serum samples from two groups were patients (175 people with beta-thalassemia) and control (35 healthy individuals), were obtained and used to test for anti <em>T. gondii</em> (IgM and IgG) antibodies using the ELISA technique. Then, in <em>T. gondii</em> seropositive patients and controls, the levels of (T3,T4, TSH) were determined using the Mini Vidas technology and urea, creatinine, ALP, ALT, AST using the Cobas c111 technique. &nbsp;According to the findings, the patient had the percentages of anti-<em>T. gondii</em> IgM and IgG antibodies were 2.28% and 10.85%, respectively. Additionally, the concentrations of T3, T4, TSH, urea, creatinine, ALP, ALT and AST respectively in <em>T. gondii</em> seropositive patients were 2.15 mlU/ml, 101.27 nmol/L, 4.70 µIU/ml, 23.95 mg/dL, 0.37 mg/dL, 181.22U/L, 40.18U/L and 48.73U/L; while in control, they were 9.72 mlU/ml, 11.14 nmol/L, 7.17 µIU/ml, 4.40 mg/dL,-20.13 mg/dL, 9.47 U/L, 0.15U/L and 1.30U/L. In conclusion, statistical analysis results suggest that high significant differences between patients and control individuals.</p> May Naji Alkhanaq , Ikhlas Abbas Marhoon , Shifaa Ali Abdulmohsin Al-Hachami , Maryam Mohsin Naser Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessment of Liver Enzymes, Calcium, and Ferritin in Beta- Thalassemia Patients <p>This study attempts to estimate the association between liver enzyme, ferritin level and blood calcium level in patients suffering from β-thalassemia. For this purpose, a total of 50 healthy individuals without hereditary blood disorders and 75 patients with beta-thalassemia attended to at the Thalassemic Centre of in Al Kut city (Iraq) during September (2023) to the March (2024) were subjected for data collection and blood draining. In this study, we observed that a significant increase in the average levels of liver enzymes [aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP)], and the levels of ferreting concentration, in the patients as compared to the healthy people. In terms of AST, ALT, and ALP, in intermedia and major β-thalassemia patient were significant increases (P&lt;0.05) than in healthy individuals. However, there no significant changes (P&gt;0.05) were detected in minima β-thalassemia than in healthy individuals in all age groups. As for serum calcium in minima, intermedia and major β-thalassemia patient were significant decrease (P&lt;0.05) in patients than in healthy individuals. This study concluded that there were elevated levels in liver enzymes indicate that β-thalassemia patients are at increased risk of heart and liver dysfunction. Also elevated ALT is affected by increasing iron overload, as reflected by elevated serum ferritin. The patients with β-thalassemia will experience hypoparathyroidism where the absence of PTH synthesiswill decreasethe gastrointestinal tract's calcium absorption and lower serum calcium levels.</p> Aqdas Mohammed Sfaieh , Tamara Hmed Ahmed , Asmaa Musead Salih Alkinani Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prevalence of Hydatid Cysts in Slaughtered Animals in Wasit Province, Iraq <p>Hydatid cysts, is an infection caused by tapeworms of the genus <em>Echinococcus</em>, which infect a wide range of domestic and wild animals in addition to humans. The current study was aimed to detect the prevalence of hydatid disease in field animals with estimation the association of infection to different animal risk factors including season, age, sex and infected organ. For this purpose, slaughtered animals (buffaloes, cattle, camels, goats, and sheep) at different areas in Wasit province (Iraq) during March (2023) to the April (2024) were examined grossly to identify the presence of infection. Of totally 1841 slaughtered animals, the total prevalence rate of hydatid cysts was 3.75%. Among different animal species, values of prevalence rate and the risk of infection were increased significantly in cattle (4.68% and 2.72, respectively) and decreased in sheep (0.874% and 0.18, respectively). However, no positive infections were detected in camels and goats (0%). Distribution of hydatid cysts was showed significant higher prevalence and risk in liver (76.81% and 3.31, respectively) than other infected organs; lung (13.04% and 0.149, respectively), mesentery (5.8% and 0.062, respectively), spleen (2.9% and 0.299, respectively) and brain (1.45% and 0.015, respectively). According to season factor, the prevalence rate of hydatid cysts was differed insignificantly in comparison between values of spring (4.6%), summer (4.01%), autumn (385%) and winter (3.01%). Whilst, the risk of hydatid cysts infection was elevated significantly in spring (1.243) and reduced in winter (0.734) when compared to values of summer (1.18) and autumn (1.041). Regarding the age of study animals, the findings of prevalence rate and risk of hydatid cysts infection were increased significantly in animals aged ³ 36 months (11.98%) more than those aged £ 6 months (1.18%), ³ 7-11 months (1.23%), and ³12-35 months (3.27%). Although no significant differences were recorded between prevalence rate values of females (5.14%) and males (2.05%), risk values of hydatid cysts infection were elevated significantly in females (2.448) compared to males (0.409). In conclusion, as the prevalence and risk of infection of hydatid cysts in cattle is higher than those in other animals, sheep might clearly have an important role to play in the continuation of the <em>E. granulosus</em> life cycle in study areas. Therefore the safe disposal of infected offal, especially of cattle and sheep, will significantly reduce the transmission of cysts from slaughterhouses to potential hosts in this region.</p> Ola A. Aggar Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prevalence and determinants of falls among elderly people in Makkah, Saudi Arabia <p>Introduction: Falls are among the most damaging events to the elderly. In Makkah, Saudi Arabia, only one study has so far attempted to determine the prevalence of falls among elderly patients. Our goal was to ascertain the frequency and contributing factors of falls among elderly people in Makkah.</p> <p>Methods: This cross-sectional study among the elderly in Makkah had a sample size of 383 participants. Questionnaires were completed by physicians and researchers through face-to-face interviews to ensure proper data collection.</p> <p>Results: Of the 397 participants included, 53.1% were female. The incidence of falls was 47.4%. Individuals with an MAHC-10 score ≥ 4 represented 28.7% of the sample, and the prevalence of falls among them was 78.9%. In the multivariate binary logistic regression (BLR), an MAHC-10 score ≥ 4 was significantly associated with falls (OR = 10.36, 95% CI:5.69-18.88, p&lt;0.001) compared with an MAHC-10 score &lt; 4, adjusted for educational level and history of taking any medication regularly.</p> <p>Conclusions: This study showed an elevated frequency of falls among the elderly in Makkah. Several factors were identified related to falls. Healthcare providers should conduct screenings to prevent falls. Conducting additional prospective&nbsp;research and introducing fall prevention programs for the elderly in Makkah is advisable.</p> Adnan Alshamrani, Mutaz Fakeerh, Daniah Bondagji, Shuruq Firash, Amer Alotaibi, Abdullateef Allebdi Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Article Review: Border Disease Virus Infection in Small Ruminants <p>Border disease virus (BDV) belongs to the genus <em>Pestivirus</em> of the family <em>Flaviviridae</em>, is one of the most economically-threating pathogens in livestock; which causes a high rate of mortalities and morbidities in addition to difficulty in controlling the quick spread of the virus to result in long-lasting persisting infections. Reproductive alterations due to infection usually represent the biggest impact on farms. Pestivirus species can be transmitted between animal species because these viruses are antigenically related. However, transmission to susceptible animals usually requires direct contact (oro-nasal route) with infected animals. Another route, which is crucial for pregnant animals, is the vertical transmission via placenta, which may cause persistent infection in newborns because fetuses can be exposed to the virus while their immune system is still immature. Adult goats or sheep don’t show obvious signs of the infection. The spread of Pestivirus infections in small ruminant flocks has been detected by the usage of live vaccines derived from cell cultures, which were produced with <em>Pestivirus</em> contaminated fetal calf serum. Ideally, the control programs of <em>Pestivirus </em>infections should consist of identification and elimination of PI animals within the herds. However, no antigen ELISA kits for BDV for routine, diagnostic, serological screening could be recommended in terms of antibodies to determine BD infection in the herd. Generally, PI animals produced no antibodies; therefore, seronegative animals, especially ewes, in the flocks would be suspect. Therefore, furthermore studies are of great importance to indicate the actual prevalence of the disease and to lowering the impacts of the disease.</p> Ali A. Shatti , Hala S.R. AL-Taee , Hussien M.A. Biati Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000