Histologystaning with an Alternative Natural Dye (Daucus Carota L.)

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Dina H. Sadiq, Abdul M. Ghalib, Diyar Mohammad Hussein, Hiba Huthaim Qasim


The study is designed to extract a natural dye from vegetable for staining various  biological tissue instead of artificial pigmentation to give a try less expensive alternative dye to synthetic dye ,therefore extract  a dye from fresh purple black carrot (Daucus  Carota L.) ,  wherever , taken 250g of chopped roots carrot were putted in 1L distal water , round flask of reflex condenser ,then added 95% of Ethanol as a solvent of anthocyanins  dye at  60 0C for 3 hours , dye was used to stain rabbit lung tissue ,these tissue processed by paraffin embaded technique and section 5 um thickness ,wasstaind  with anthocyanin dye showed stainbronchioles epithelium,blood vessels  and alveolar  cavity with reddish brown color .The level of the stain was not significant different from eosin stain. The result of this study ,purple black carrot dye could be used as an alternative dye for histological stain .

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How to Cite
Dina H. Sadiq, Abdul M. Ghalib, Diyar Mohammad Hussein, Hiba Huthaim Qasim. (2021). Histologystaning with an Alternative Natural Dye (Daucus Carota L.). Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 6080–6084. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/772