Corona Virus 2019 (SARS-COV2) and Chronic Diseases in France

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Batool Shakir Abed Almjalawi, Hussein Saeed Al-Mafragy, Ahmed Abdulkareem Almutteari


There has been a new global health crisis that threatens the entire world due to the advent and spreading of the new corona-virus 2019 (2019-n-CoV) or severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV2). This virus has first originated in the bats and has been transmitted to the human beings by theyet unknown intermediary animals in Wuhan, China in Dec. 2019. the period of incubation ranges between 2 and 14 days.The signs of this illness are often cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, malaise, fatigue,etc. Several people do not have any asymptoms. SARS-CoV2 infects people of any age, the elderly and the eople who already have medical conditions (like the diabetes and heart diseases) are at high risksto get severe illnessby this virus. Due to the lack of preliminary studies on the risk of infection of infected persons with chronic diseases with covid-19 in France, due to the large number of infections in the region, the paper aim to identify or diagnose the SARS-CoV2-19 virus and how it spreads in France .and its effect on the health of infected persons with chronic diseases and provide Health and preventative instructions for them to reduce their risk of infection. The mainobjective of the surveillance at this time has been supporting the worldwide strategy to contain SARS-CoV2 with the fast identifications and follow-up of the cases that are linked to the affected countries for the purpose of minimizingthe onward transmissions,ACE-2 is one of the known peptidases,it has the task of regulatingRAAS (i.e. renin-angioten-aldosterone system), thereby, it controls the pressure of blood. Which is why,it is no surprise that the initial reports have been suggesting that diabetes,hypertension and CVDshave been the most widespreadfactors of comorbidity in the SARS-CoV-2. This global pandemic produced a massiveamount of the literature on risk factors worsening clinical events that are related to this virus. In fact, not all the patients undergo this disease with equal degrees of severity, and some of them are evenasymptomatic. Diabetes rapidly became a potential factor of risk, COVID-19 Diabetic patients are under higher risksto develop severe pneumonia and get noticeable pro-thrombotic and pro-inflammatory states, in comparison with the infected individuals who do not have diabetes. In addition to that, they had as well considerably higher rates of mortality 7.80% vs. 2.70% in addition to a higherrates of multiple organ injuries. We conclude from that after the World Health Organization declared this disease a pandemic .. and there is no age category excluded from infection, as it affects young and old equally, especially the elderly, especially people with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease more exposed to infection.

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How to Cite
Batool Shakir Abed Almjalawi, Hussein Saeed Al-Mafragy, Ahmed Abdulkareem Almutteari. (2021). Corona Virus 2019 (SARS-COV2) and Chronic Diseases in France. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 264–285. Retrieved from