Effect of Anise Seeds (Pimpinella anisum L.) as Feed Additives on the Productive Performance and Some Blood Parameters of Lactating Cows

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Suzan Muhamad Nur Muhamad, Mhabad Ebrahim Saed, Adnan Heme Seid Resol, Shakir Abdl Amir Hassan


Three multiparous Simmental dairy cows, in the second stage of lactation were used in Latin square design to investigate the effect of anise seeds addition on performance of dairy cows. Lactation trial was initiated after peak of milk yield. The experimental include three periods each period were lasted 21 days, 16 days for adaptation and 5 days for milk yield cows were fed basal diet consist of concentrate mixture and roughage (alfalfa hay and wheat straw). Cows were randomly divided into three groups T1 control group fed without additive, T2 fed with addition 30 gm Anise seeds/cow/day and T3 fed with additive 50 gm Anise seeds/cow/day. The results showed that cows fed different levels of Anise seeds decreased milk yield as compared with control, but enhance milk fat% in T2, no significant differences was noted in milk protein, lactose, solid non-fat, pH, and fat yield also fat corrected milk 4% decreased with supplement Anise as compared with control group. Although results indicated no significant differences between treatments in triglyceride, cholesterol, urea, glucose, total protein, globulin, LH and FSH except that albumin were significantly increased.

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How to Cite
Suzan Muhamad Nur Muhamad, Mhabad Ebrahim Saed, Adnan Heme Seid Resol, Shakir Abdl Amir Hassan. (2021). Effect of Anise Seeds (Pimpinella anisum L.) as Feed Additives on the Productive Performance and Some Blood Parameters of Lactating Cows. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 8435–8438. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/2386